Wednesday, September 13, 2023

LoL Arena mode tier list – best team comps according to Riot and us

What are the best team comps in the League of Legends Arena mode? Arena is a 2v2v2v2 competition, pitting four teams of two champions against each other in increasingly deadly rounds until only one remains. It’s all-action, and frankly, a ton of fun, but it can be extremely tough if you don’t know what team compositions work well, as what works on the Rift doesn’t necessarily work in the Arena.

The free PC game doesn’t add new game modes very often, and what they did have (Twisted Treeline) was removed a long time ago to consolidate the playlists. Arena mode, however, has gained huge support while on the PBE, with peons like us, creators, and even pros testing their combat prowess in League of Legends’ frenetic new mode. If you plan on stepping into the Arena, you’re going to want to know what kind of team composition works best, as choosing ineffectual champions will mean an early exit for you and your partner. Here’s our opinion on what League of Legends team comps work best in Arena, as well as an exclusive from the devs at Riot.

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Best League of Legends Arena team comps

Here are the best team comps for League of Legends Arena mode:

  • Senna and Tahm Kench
  • Kha’Zix and Mordekaiser
  • Samira and Zac
  • Vayne and Lulu
  • Swain and Teemo

It’s important to note here that while you can make almost anything work while in a game of Summoner’s Rift, Arena mode is a little more unforgiving. The rounds are fast and furious, and you won’t last long if you aren’t prepared.

Early on, the meta skewed towards bruisers – champions that could both take and deal a large amount of damage seemed like a no-brainer for a game mode that is basically non-stop fighting. This has made way for a slightly more nuanced approach in the past few weeks, however. Champions with CC and those whose passive and active abilities complement one another will nearly always overtake the thick-headed bash-anything-in-your-way approach (although that always has a place in our hearts).

As always, play what you’re good at, but take these team comps into consideration for your next game of Arena:

LoL arena mode tier list - tahm kench and senna

Senna and Tahm Kench

Now, bear with us here. This may seem like an odd pairing, but the infinite scaling of Senna combined with the ultimate peel of Tahm Kench makes this duo an absolute menace in the late game. Senna’s passive is accelerated in this game mode, meaning that her power becomes out of control even a few rounds in. Hitting your CC ability with either one of these champions guarantees that the other will also land. It also helps that Tahm becomes nigh-on unkillable with a few augments and items under their belt.

LoL arena mode tier list - khazix and mordekaiser

Kha’Zix and Mordekaiser

Again, a strange one, but think about it for a second – Kha’Zix only deals large amounts of damage when the enemy is isolated, and what does Morde’s ult do? Pulls an enemy right out of the game, leaving them alone with the terrifying jungler. The strategy here is to take the healthiest of your enemies out with Mordekaiser ult, leaving the squishy isolated for Kha’Zix. With any luck, by the time Morde comes back into the fight, it’ll be a 2v1 in your favor.

LoL arena mode tier list - zamira and zac

Samira and Zac

This comp relies on pairing Samira with a tank that can knock opponents up. Having a good frontline with a knock-up allows Samira to dash in and out, juggling the opponents in the air and getting off free auto-attacks and abilities. The idea here is to play with your opponent until Samira’s ultimate ability is ready to use, then simply clean the fight up with the outrageous damage from Inferno Trigger.

LoL arena tier list - Vayne and Lulu

Vayne and Lulu

Vayne is surprisingly effective in Arena, given that she deals a percentage of the target’s maximum health with her auto-attacks, has excellent movement abilities, and even CC in her kit. The only thing she does need, however, is a little bit of help staying alive, which is where a champion like Lulu comes in. Shielding the Vayne so she can do her thing, and using Lulu’s ultimate ability if things start to get hairy is the name of the game here.

LoL arena tier mode - Swain and Teemo

Swain and Teemo

Another unlikely pairing, this one is fairly simple: Swain is an absolute menace, he has ultimate every round, enemies can’t escape him so it lasts forever, his HP scales infinitely, and Teemo is just Teemo. With ultimate abilities being on such a short cooldown, and with an abundance of plants around the Arena, you’ll find that while the enemy team is desperately trying to fight off your Swain, you can carpet bomb the play area with Teemo Shrooms. It’s chaos, just how Teemo lives his life.

Best LoL arena mode team comps according to Riot

In a PCGN exclusive, League of Legends’ Modes Product Lead, Eduardo Cortejoso revealed that his favorite team comps for arena mode are:

  • Master Yi and Blade Waltz
  • Dr Mundo and Perseverance
  • Any Yordle and Goliath
  • Mordekaiser and Kha’zix 

While these best LoL Arena team comps are super effective, the real beauty of this game mode is experimentation. There are so many different combinations, so get out there and have fun, and if you’re new to the MOBA, we have the best LoL champs for beginners, and even an overall LoL tier list if you’re itching to take the fight to the Rift.

LoL Arena mode tier list – best team comps according to Riot and us
Source: Maharot News

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