Thursday, June 29, 2023

You can beat this weeks Destiny 2 Grandmaster Nightfall in minutes

A Destiny 2 Grandmaster Nightfall takes only six minutes to complete with a time-saving skip that allows Guardians to bypass some of the activity’s most challenging enemies. As shared by YouTuber ‘Cheese Forever,’ the Destiny 2 Lake of Shadows skip essentially involves going straight from the beginning to the boss room by briefly passing through an out-of-bounds area. A fireteam comprised of ‘Simple,’ ‘Tobi,’ and ‘TwoFace’ demonstrated how they managed to use the skip to beat the Grandmaster Destiny 2 Nightfall in under six minutes in the FPS game.

Grandmaster Nightfalls are among the most challenging activities in Destiny 2. However, as the video shows, players seeking less of a challenge can clear the bridge area at the beginning of the strike, jump to a rock formation ahead of the bridge, and quickly jump up to the top to end up in the Nightfall’s boss room.

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Players who want to take advantage of this strategy, which grants Platinum rewards, should ensure they have high mobility or possibly the Heat Rises Dawnblade Warlock ability if they are struggling to make the jump before the out-of-bounds timer ends and cause them to die.

Guardians can then jump into the room, clear the adds, and then head to the hallway they would have normally used to enter the area, spawning in the crux that allows them to start the boss battle. At this point, the fireteam can continue to fight normally, taking down the enemy and earning the usual rewards. In the video, Cheese Forever also notes a cheese spot that players can use to cheese the boss.

ou can beat this week's Destiny 2 Grandmaster Nightfall in 6 minutes: The boss in the Lake of Shadows Nightfall strike.

As part of a Destiny 2 season 20 overhaul, the Bungie team reworked Lake of Shadows to make it more challenging to counter its reputation as being one of the easier strikes in the game, even on Grandmaster difficulty. However, it appears that with this cheese, it still won’t be able to shake that reputation.

And, with Destiny 2 season 21 on the horizon, it seems unlikely Bungie will patch this ahead of the forthcoming season, which is set to bring back the moon Titan as a playable destination. With less than a week until the new season’s launch in the multiplayer game, Guardians should be sure to complete all Destiny 2 Lightfall Exotic quests to get geared up to go under the sea when it drops.

You can beat this week’s Destiny 2 Grandmaster Nightfall in minutes
Source: Maharot News

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