Thursday, May 4, 2023

Best turn based RPGs on PC 2023

So you want to know about the best turn-based RPGs? These games are more about how your characters evolve over time. The nature of progression and the choices you can make means that your abilities and journey may never entirely be the same across multiple playthroughs. Unlike traditional RPGs, there are more tools focused on tracking these changes and evolution over time. They’re also about offering robust combat mechanics and making the best use of your squad as a team working towards a common goal.

While this list may have a lot in common with our guide to the best RPG games, turn based RPGs tend to focus more on squad-based combat and have roots in the classic tabletop RPGs of old. Games in this niche are often similar to turn-based strategy games, though to make the distinction relevant, we’re focusing on games with more pronounced RPG features. Let’s look at some of the best turn-based RPGs on PC.

The best turn-based RPGs on PC are:

Best turn-based RPG: Wasteland 3. Image shows two men at the top of some stairs fire down at advancing robots. a third man stand at the rear swigging moonshine.

Wasteland 3

Sequel to 2014’s Wasteland 2, this series has been quietly competing with the likes of Fallout to offer a post-apocalyptic RPG experience. Whereas Bethesda’s series went down the first-person root, Wasteland has stuck with the original Fallout game’s premise, with tactical battles That have more in common with XCOM. Wasteland 3 is bigger and better than the previous game, although not without some technical wiggles that still need ironing out.

From its clever writing, interesting setting, and dedication to making sure you feel every consequence of all of your choices, it’ll be difficult to find a more roundly satisfying role-playing experience this year. Definitely one for those looking to scratch that XCOM or Fallout itch, and an apocalypse game that manages to offer the best of both those worlds. Check out our Wasteland 3 review for more thoughts.

Best turn-based RPGs: Star Renegade. Image shows three pixel art warriors face off against a giant pixel-art mech in Star Renegades.

Star Renegades

Fighting against an evil, all-powerful, dimension-hopping empire might sound like a losing battle, but it’s one you’ll enjoy losing over and over again in this roguelike/trpg mash-up that sees you doing just that. As you lose the fight for one reality, you hop on to the next one to continue the fight there – keeping the experience & gear you’ve earned so far.

Star Renegades is the complete package – very deep combat mechanics, a beautiful pixel-art world and RPG elements that, while sometimes cumbersome, serve to enrich the wider story. The game’s only weak point at the moment is that it can run out of steam a bit too quickly – after a few re-runs, things start to get the same, but this has always been a delicate balancing act with this genre. Aside from that, you’d do well giving this game your attention. Check out our Star Renegades review.

Best turn-based RPGs: Expeditions: Rome. Image shows a ship full of people at sea.

Expeditions: Rome

Logic Artists has spent the past decade perfecting its own unique blend of turn-based strategy RPG that focuses heavily on exploration and mechanics intrinsically tied to each game’s core theme. From Expeditions: Conquistadors, to the Viking power-fantasy of Expeditions: Vikings, the studio has recently transported us to hallowed antiquity and the height of the Roman Republic.

Easily the best entry in the series to date, Expeditions: Rome sees your character fleeing the capital and the machinations of the Senate to earn a reputation out in one of Rome’s many theatres of war. You will lead a small band of companions – the Speculatores – but you’ll also be in command of an entire army that is almost its character.

The series’ legacy for exploration is still strong here as you lead your special band around the map going out on quests, all packaged as part of some of the less high-profile activity surrounding a military campaign. Setting up alliances, scouting, removing key obstacles… you’ll lead the charge on all of it. In the background, you can order your legion around the campaign space to set up bases and secure resources. Every so often, a more pitched battle will need to be fought, and there’s a separate mini-game for that. It works surprisingly well, and you can read more of our Expeditions: Rome impressions here.

Best turn-based RPGs: Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus. Image shows a group of robed, augemented warriors facing of against mechanical monstrosities.

Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus

While ‘nu-age’ Games Workshop is a bit more creative with its license deals, they are naturally hesitant about allowing too much to exist in turn-based tactics. After all, that’s what their flagship tabletop products are about and it wouldn’t do to have something digital become too much of a competition to the physical game. Still, that’s not to say fans don’t get treated now and then – Warhammer 40,000: Sanctus Reach is a fantastic Warhammer game, and now we have another one in the form of Bulwark’s Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus.

Focusing solely on the Adeptus Mechanicus, this game sees you lead a small band of merry Techpriests and nerds against the forces of the Necrons. It’s got all the bells and whistles of your standard small-unit tactical RPG and is very pretty to boot. Tactical battles require a sharp mind. Tech Priests don’t exactly have the same martial prowess as the Space Marines – but they can fight. Battles are more about making the best use of your abilities and tricks since the usual concepts, such as cover, overwatch etc… are absent. An excellent licensed game and a pretty decent TRPG.

Best tun-based RPGs: Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark. Image shows a lady on high ground confronts a beast below her. Other warriors are dotted about the map.

Fell Seal: Arbiter’s Mark

There’s a good chance that you’re into your tactical RPGs because, at some point, you played Final Fantasy Tactics. That’s all well and good, but we bet that you’ve also been chasing that proverbial dragon ever since. Well, Fell Seal: Arbiter’s Mark is here to fill that hole in your strategy heart. Don’t let its so-so story and nods to modernity fool you – this is the FFT game you’ve been pining for all these many years. It’s beautiful, nuanced, and has secret classes to unlock; Arbiter’s Mark is the real deal.

There’s the classic battle system, characters who can take on different jobs, and even the terrain height considerations all present and correct in this modern version of the PlayStation classic. Arbiter’s Mark hits all the right notes and makes nearly zero mistakes in the process – a rare achievement regarding gaming homages.

Best turn-based RPGs: Diviniy: Original Sin 2. Image shows a wizard-garbed lizard man fires lightening from his hands at an enemy. Fire is all over the floor.

Divinity: Original Sin 2

Simply put, Divinity: Original Sin 2 is an extensive RPG through and through, but it contains a combat system that allows for a vast amount of variance and replayability. Initially, you may only be considering how best to get your characters out of harm’s way while simultaneously taking out your enemy. After a few scenarios, you’ll notice that environmental effects and elemental combos can play a significant role in optimizing combat to your advantage. Soon enough, you’ll be pre-determining how best to use skills, weapon types, spells, environmental objects, terrain height advantages, and positioning to outwit your foes (and maybe even friends) in a fantastic flashy fashion.

Not to mention the ability to fool around with the Game Master Mode, creating test scenarios to see how specific ideas you are considering would play out with no impact on your save data. Better yet, you could design campaigns for your friends to enjoy and talk about leisurely. This is a tactical Dungeon Master’s dream that comes to realisation, with Matthew Mercer himself giving an excellent demonstration of this tool’s creative outlets.

Best turn-based RPGs: Valkyria Chronicles 3. Image shows a girl crouches in front of some sandbags, rifle raised, with an enemy ahead.

Valkyria Chronicles 4

This is a solid return to form for a series that has been sorely missed in the west. Seamlessly blending turn-based tactical gameplay with real-time unit control, this unique mechanical integration makes for a game that strategy fans and RPG enthusiasts can both enjoy. RPG fans will enjoy the character growth and story, levelling up their favourite classes and equipping soldiers with unique equipment.

There are charming side novellas of units getting to know one another that jump straight into a battle scenario with some odd twist thrown in. The introduction of the Grenadier class makes terrain elevation and positioning critical, while traditional classes like the Sniper and Shocktrooper still shore up a simple but versatile roster. Add in an Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC) and your trusty ol’ tank and you’re set up for a fun time learning how to be a master commander.

For those familiar with the series, Valkyria Chronicles 4 doesn’t really shake things up so much as polish and refine what has already existed. The upside to the stories, each being stand-alone offerings, is that newcomers can jump right into an excellent game that knows where its strategy strengths lie.

Best turn-based RPG: Banner Saga 3. Image shows two groups of warriors face off against each other on a field with a grid imposed on top.

Banner Saga 3

The Banner Saga 3 brings the triumphant success of Stoic’s turn-based strategy series to a strong Ragnarök-induced close. While it continues to unfold unique story beats and introductions of characters new and old, it also succeeds as an RPG due to its clever combat design, risk-vs-reward mechanics, and ability to equip and promote heroes. Players are for managing a small caravan containing the vaulted Varl hero Ivar, duo mages Juno and Eyvind, and the Raven mercenaries. Meanwhile, they must also ensure Aberrang, the last human city with the primary character Rook (or Alette), doesn’t succumb to a siege.

While convoy management of resources takes a somewhat smaller role in Banner Saga 3 compared to its predecessors, it’s still a part of the game. Relics that can be equipped offer unique bonuses or abilities to characters, and promotions will encourage you to think carefully about how best to reinforce your units to withstand the apocalypse. Especially given units will die, so many people will die. The decision tree between attacking opponents’ armour or strength will continue to attack your cognition as you wonder if you are making the correct decision, but it never feels overwhelming. The Banner Saga 3 continues to ride the line of stressing you out right to the brink of exhaustion but never quite tipping past that line.

Best turn-based RPGs: Disgaea 5. Image shows a squad of anime characters are lining up for a combo attack.

Disgaea V Complete

Imagine for a moment an RPG where the entire plot is just the pre-game setup to an even larger post-game, an RPG where individual items contain entire randomly generated universes, and cheating is actively encouraged by the game mechanics! Disgaea V is the perfect blend of over-the-top ridiculous anime games and genuinely smart, engaging gameplay. Missions start with a tile grid containing various enemies on the battle map. During your turn, you can choose which units to take out of your “base” panel, where you want them to go, and what abilities you want them to use. The sheer amount of unit and skill options available to players makes for unique strategies for handling scenarios, along with constant debate online of what setups genuinely reign supreme.

The story is entirely self-contained, so you don’t need to play previous entries in the series to enjoy what Disgaea V has to offer. However, it also contains a very extensive list of DLC characters from previous Nippon Ichi Software games, class options, and more, all of which are free when you purchase Disgaea V Complete, although it’s worth noting the PC version currently lacks the online network play features. While that is a genuine bummer, the lost functionality is a small chip off an otherwise incredible title.

Best turn-based RPGs: Star Traders: Frontiers. Image shows two space ships squaring off in turn-based combat.

Star Traders: Frontiers

This space game leans more into the RPG side of things, but it has a really good turn-based tactical combat layer covering both squad vs squad and ship-to-ship combat. In Star Traders: Frontiers, you take your ship and crew amongst the stars making a living wherever you can and however you see fit. As per the name, trading is central and an easy-to-do mechanic, but you can also branch out into exploring, pirating, and mercenary work. there are plenty of possibilities and inter-faction politics and questing to get yourself embroiled.

Several ‘big’ plot lines are available at different points of your in-game universe. A key theme is that the world around you can and will progress at its own pace, regardless of what you’re doing. If you don’t get to a central quest in time, that’s it, you’ve lost your chance in that game. This is a real living, persistent world, and there’s a lot of flexibility and customization in how you set up your captain, crew and ship.

Developed by a two-man team, the Trese Brothers, this is an excellent example of not only how to design an open-world game in a living world but also how one can handle post-release support. Since launching out of its eight-month Early Access stint, it’s had countless content-rich updates, some minor, some major, with a more recent update introducing Carriers and small attack craft. The brothers have a clear and dedicated development roadmap, and they’re constantly keeping the game fresh and giving you more reasons to jump back in.

Best turn-based RPGs: Solasta: Crown of the Magister. Image shows a woman speaking to a player saying " party and I have made a worrying discovery."

Solasta: Crown of the Magister

A final honourary mention goes to Tactical Adventures’ er, tactical adventure, Solasta: Crown of the Magister. As we highlighted in our Solasta review, this is a turn-based RPG that features some tremendous tactical engagements that are held back by a bit of a drab story.

That doesn’t stop this from being one of the better Dungeons and Dragons games on PC right now (at least, until Baldur’s Gate 3 comes along for real), and nothing is stopping this game from getting even better now that it’s left early access. One to keep an eye on, for sure.

We hope you enjoyed this list of the best tactical RPGs! How about browsing some of the best free MMORPGs on PC, or even our list of excellent strategy games if you want to shed the roleplay?

Additional entries by Joe Robinson

Best turn based RPGs on PC 2023
Source: Maharot News

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