Sunday, April 30, 2023

All Diablo 4 error codes

You will see one of the many Diablo 4 error codes if you run into an issue during the open beta period. These numbers have a meaning to the developers, but deciphering precisely what that means for you can be tricky as the game doesn’t provide any further feedback for some error codes.

While many of these indicate issues with the servers occurred during the opening few hours of the Diablo 4 beta release date, there are at least a couple where you can do something to try and resolve it. So if you’re in the same boat, struggling to play the beta for the highly anticipated RPG game, take a look at these error codes to see if you can fix any of them.

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Diablo 4 beta error codes list

Here are all the Diablo 4 error codes that appeared during the beta and what they mean:

  • Network Disconnect – this appears during gameplay and happens when the servers are overloaded. There is no fix here, but you should be able to log back in.
  • 1910 – there’s only one report of this code, and it’s unclear what the issue is outside of possibly being related to server issues.
  • 34202 – server stability issue. If this message mentions the player’s internet connection, shut down the game and reopen it.
  • 34203 – this error code appears as you’re logging in, with users feeding back that it seems tied to Battle.Net accounts. Your best option is to reload the game and keep trying or wait for the account issue to resolve.
  • 300010 – according to reports, this rarely appears on the PC version and is mainly being shown to console players. It’s unclear what it means at this time.
  • 315306 – Valid License error. Appears if you try to join the beta before the official time or if your login authentication fails.
  • 316005 – the description of this one says there are no available character slots. You’ll need to manually delete any excess characters and create a new one from there.
  • 316719 – this error code can appear during character creation, starting the game, and various other places. This may occur when the server has stability issues. You can learn more about the Diablo 4 error code 316719 and what you can do in the linked guide. If the message mentions the player’s internet connection, shut down the game and reopen it. It may also appear after a Network Disconnect error.
  • 300202 – this error code also appears during busy periods. Either rejoin the queue or reopen the game to see if this resolves itself.
  • 300008 – request timeout error. This will boot you back to the start menu after appearing. Your best bet here is to shut down the game and Battle.Net, then reopen it.
  • 395002 – “Your account is currently locked. Please wait a few minutes and try again”. If you’re receiving this message, there’s a strong chance your account hasn’t been locked by the developers. As the message says, simply try to sign into the game again after a few minutes and you should be able to get in. Depending on when you’re trying to play, it might be worth waiting a few hours to give the servers time to settle down.
  • 396022 – server ping issue. This occurs during heavy queue times or server instability. If this appears, close down and reopen the game.
  • 401003 – another error code that can appear when attempting to rejoin after a Network Disconnect. If you see this, shut down the game and restart it.

Those are all of the Diablo 4 error codes. Once you manage to get in, you may wonder where the best place is to start in a game that could be one of the best PC games of 2023. We have guides for all of the Diablo 4 classes, including the Diablo 4 Barbarian, Diablo 4 Rogue, and Diablo 4 Sorcerer. If that’s not enough, read our Diablo 4 tips guide to ease yourself into the Hell-infested world of Sanctuary.

All Diablo 4 error codes
Source: Maharot News

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